Tuesday 7 February 2012

Planning for Print Productions - Possible Ideas

This is a sketch of some possible ideas that I could use for my digi-pack. The idea of the windmill behind where the CD will sit almost imitates the spinning action that will happen to the disk when it is played. Also, on the first inside cover there will be a nice contrast between the dark background and the white font which will stand out, this will hopefully draw the audience in and make them want to read the text inside the digi-pack. The sunset on the back kind of symbolizes the closure of finishing making the album, like its all finished and over and done with. Where as on the front cover its like the name of the band is emerging from the trees just like they are emerging as a new band on the music scene.


  1. The text is perhaps too large, I still think that you should experiment with using the low angle shot of the tree for the front panel which is impressive then you can decide which is the strongest. The more you experiment with composition the better.

  2. Vikki please note that all 4 panels need to be ready for audience feedback by Monday 20 Feb. If you are having difficulties please contact me. Try to be as imaginative as possible and don't get locked in one firm idea.
